Why Decorating For Christmas is Self-Care

There's no way skirting around the truth - 2020 has been a tough year. And the news we've been reading the past few days shows strangeness and chaos is not yet over. So if you are looking for a little moment of joy in life, let's talk about Christmas.

You might not feel any reason to put up decorations this year. With lockdown restrictions and confusing bubble instructions, there's hardly any reason to crack open the box of plastic hollies. But today, we are making a case for setting up your Christmas tree and lights. There's science-backed reason to why you should be decorating (the earlier, the better!)

Experts agree that stores that decorate and stock holiday decor as early as fall are correct to do so.

Psychologists call this positive technique savouring. It's a way to completely absorb all of life's special moments. When you are given more time to plan a holiday beyond just a few weeks, you have more time to extend the excitement and joy.

One study found that looking forward to a vacation, specifically the weeks before the trip is a big reason we feel excitement and happiness for the vacation itself. The phenomenon works the same way with the holidays.

Psychoanalyst Steve McKeown says,

"In a world full of stress and anxiety, people like to associate to things that make them happy and Christmas decorations evoke those strong feelings of childhood.

Decorations are simply an anchor or pathway to those old childhood magical emotions of excitement. So putting up those Christmas decorations extends the excitement!"

That's not the only reason you should decorate. There are perks to celebrating Christmas through decorations:

·    Decorating brings joy to others as well. The Journal of Environmental Psychology points out that Christmas decorations in your home are a signal to your neighbours that you are friendly. It tells everyone that you are accessible and approachable. If you are new to your community, this is also a great way to make 'bubble' friends.

·    Christmas decorations trigger nostalgia. Psychotherapist Amy Morin says that the holidays instantly bring back memories of a happy childhood. In times like ours, this is a welcome boost of positivity. "Nostalgia helps link people to their personal past, and it helps people understand their identity. For many, putting up Christmas decorations... is a way for them to reconnect with their childhoods."

We hope these studies convince you to put up a beautiful tree and decorate your home to bring out positive emotions. Make it a special one this year and celebrate with a heart full of gratitude. Christmas is indeed one of the purest forms of self-care.


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