10 Of The Worst Beauty Tips Ever Given, And Why

Whilst the internet is buzzing with the best beauty tips and tricks, not everything is actually good for you. It’s also very easy to fall into bad routines because you saw an “expert” endorse it on social media. Whilst it is impossible and unwise to follow every single beauty tip you see, fab beauty tips can often bring on terrible results and can actually be dangerous for you as well. We know how difficult it can be to cut through the noise in order to get the actual facts, so we’ve put together a little list of tips and tricks that you should avoid at all costs. Your body will actually thank us for this.


Worst Tip #1 - Exfoliate every day

Exfoliating is important. And while it sounds like a quick and easy way to get rid of dead skin cells accumulating on the surface, exfoliating on a daily basis can actually strip your skin of its natural oils and can cause irritation to the skin. You basically strip the skin of the outer layer, and by doing this daily, you don’t give the skin time to heal properly before you do it again. It is recommended that you rather exfoliate two to three times a week for normal skin, and once a week for sensitive skin.


Worst Tip # 2 – Pinch your cheeks for a natural glow

In the Victorian era, women used to pinch their cheeks to get a blush effect. However, continuously doing this to your cheeks can actually cause broken blood vessels and broken capillaries that will eventually not go away.


Worst Tip # 3 – Tanning beds are safer than the sun

The radiation emitted from tanning beds is almost three times as strong as what you’d get from the sun. This “tip” is therefore a huge misleading myth.


Worst Tip # 4 – Grey hair is caused by stress

Each hair follicle contains a certain amount of pigments, which makes a chemical called melanin. The colour of your hair is actually determined by how much melanin the hair contains. As we age, the pigment in the cells begin to die, resulting in your hair turning grey. Although this is mostly genetic, there is actually no clear link found between stress and grey hair.


Worst Tip # 5 – You should rotate your products as this is good for your skin

As it turns out, your skin actually loves consistency. If the products that you are using in your daily routine are working for you, then it is not necessary to make any changes. Basically, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. However, if your products are not working for you, speak to us about our natural skincare range, as we have options for all skin types.


Worst Tip # 6 – Cutting your hair will make it grow faster

Although cutting off the split ends makes your hair healthier, it doesn’t necessarily affect the growth, especially seeing as the follicles in your scalp are in control of how fast and how much your hair actually grows. Whether  you cut it or not, your hair grows on average, 0.635cm every month.


Worst Tip # 7 – Wearing make-up every day is bad for your skin

There is no problem with wearing a full face of makeup every day, as long as you are diligent about taking care of your skin in the process. So long as you keep your brushes clean, use products that are specific to your skin type, and most importantly, make sure you always take your make up off at the end of the day, there is nothing wrong with doing this.

However, leaving your makeup on through the night is a different story. The skin renews itself while you sleep, and when you leave makeup on, you are preventing that from happening. The skin ceases to breathe and soon enough, you will begin to develop those fatigue signs in your face.


Worst Tip # 8 – The best way to get Vitamin D is from the sun

This is definitely not the case. There are plenty of foods and even supplements that can give you what you need. Dairy and fatty fish are great sources of Vitamin D, which is critical for bone health. A multivitamin is also a great and safe way to meet your daily needs.


Worst Tip # 9 – Preparation H for eye puffiness

Instead of buying a new (and expensive) product to assist with eye puffiness, people often tend to turn to items laying around the house for a beauty hack. When it comes to skincare however, DIY-ing your way through problems is probably not the best approach.

Although the haemorrhoid cream, Preparation H reduces redness and puffiness, it also includes ingredients that are incredibly dangerous if they accidentally get in your eyes. The best way to get rid of eye puffiness is to get enough sleep and stay hydrated. Luckily for you, those treatments are also free!


Worst Tip # 10 – The higher the SPF, the better the protection

SPF refers mainly to the sunscreen’s ability to block Ultraviolet B radiation. With UVB rays may be the cause of non-melanoma skin cancer and sunburn, you also need to consider the Ultraviolet A radiation, which can also cause wrinkles and other signs of skin ageing. Only “broad spectrum” sunscreens can actually protect you from both. As a result, products with a higher SPF factor can give you a false sense of security. People who tend to stay out in the sun for longer periods tend to use these, and they may even skip applying. You think you don’t need to seek shade, wear a hat or cover up with clothing, but you could end up getting a lot more UVA damage, which, of course, defeats the purpose.


Whilst these are some of the tips and tricks you should be avoiding, there are many helpful practises that can actually make a difference in your skincare routine. For these and more information, keep an eye on our blog section.


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